5 Things You Forgot Happened During the Cold War 

  • Cuban missile crisis
Cuban missile crisis
Credit: MPI/ Archive Photos via Getty Images

Not long after the end of World War II, George Orwell published his essay “You and the Atom Bomb.” In it, he considered the repercussions of the Atomic Age following the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and the political implications of a world “which was at once unconquerable and in a permanent state of ‘cold war’ with its neighbors.” It wasn’t the first use of the term “cold war,” but it was the first in reference to the precarious state of global affairs in the aftermath of the first nuclear strikes. 

The Cold War began in 1947 as an ideological and geopolitical battle for global influence between the United States and the Soviet Union and their respective allies (the Western Bloc and Eastern Bloc). It reached its peak with the Cuban missile crisis in October 1962, when the world faced the very real and terrifying threat of a global thermonuclear war. 

The Cold War lasted for almost 45 years, ending with the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991. In such a prolonged period of tension and intrigue, some details are easily forgotten. Here are some of the most fascinating but at times overlooked events that took place during the period, from political tantrums about Disneyland to one man who may very well have saved the world. 

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Nikita Khrushchev Wasn’t Allowed To Visit Disneyland

In September 1959, Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev embarked on a state visit of the United States. It didn’t take long before Khrushchev — a famously irritable man — started to complain. Initially, while visiting the Agricultural Experiment Station in Maryland, he allegedly complained that the pigs were too fat and the turkeys too small. A few days later, following a tour of the 20th Century Fox Studios in Hollywood, he had a prickly argument with studio head Spyros P. Skouras regarding the merits of communism. 

His anger peaked, however, when he was told he would not be allowed to visit Disneyland as the crowds created too much of a safety hazard. Khrushchev was furious. He made no attempt to hide his displeasure at not meeting Mickey and friends, stating, “I would very much like to go and see Disneyland. But then, we cannot guarantee your security, they say. Then what must I do? Commit suicide? What is it? Is there an epidemic of cholera there or something? Or have gangsters taken hold of the place that can destroy me?” Thoroughly riled, he left Los Angeles the next morning.

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5 Incredible Facts About Japanese Samurai

  • Samurai warrior armor
Samurai warrior armor
Credit: duncan1890/ iStock

Though aristocratic warriors known as bushi had long existed in Japanese society, in the late 12th century a new warrior class emerged: the samurai. The word “samurai” itself can be translated as “one who serves,” and these warriors served their masters — the feudal landholders, or daimyo, who ruled much of Japan — with discipline and loyalty. For their service, they were well paid and highly respected in society. 

The elite samurai warriors were meticulously trained in martial arts and military strategy. Their skill with the sword — be it a curved katana or the shorter wakizashi — is legendary. (By the late 1600s, the samurai carried two swords, known as daishō, as a symbol of status.) They also fought using tanto daggers, the naginata polearm and the yumi longbow. Altogether, they were a fearsome sight indeed — even more so in their flexible and ornate armor, the sight of which could instill fear in the bravest of enemies. 

The samurai were a fundamental part of Japanese society for centuries. But as Japan began to modernize and open its borders to foreign trade, the power of the clans diminished and the role of the samurai began to wane, especially with the rise of gunpowder weapons. Feudalism was officially abolished in 1871, and five years later the wearing of swords was outlawed for everyone except members of the national armed forces. The age of the samurai was over. 

The legacy of the samurai, however, remains culturally significant throughout Japan, and has also achieved iconic status in the West, not only in martial arts but also more broadly in popular culture, seen in movies, literature, video games, and more. Here are five little-known facts about the fearsome samurai, from their somewhat terrifying social privileges to their first and only colony in the United States. 

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Samurai Had the Right to Kill Citizens for Being Disrespectful

The high prestige and special social privileges enjoyed by the samurai are amply demonstrated in the tradition of kiri-sute gomen, roughly translated as “permission to slay.” This gave a samurai the right to strike anyone of a lower class with their sword if they slandered the samurai’s honor. If, for example, a farmer or artisan refused to bow, the samurai could rightfully kill the offender on the spot. It’s not known how often kiri-sute gomen was used, but when it was, the samurai had to follow certain rules. The strike had to be carried out immediately following the offense, and the samurai had to later prove the correctness of their actions in court. Samurai could, potentially, be severely punished for wrongful executions, so they couldn’t walk around willfully killing the commonfolk. 

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5 Essential Films About the Vietnam War

  • On set of “Apocalypse Now”
On set of “Apocalypse Now”
Credit: Sunset Boulevard/ Corbis Historical via Getty Images

War movies have existed for as long as cinema itself, with 1898’s 38-second Tearing Down the Spanish Flag beginning a tradition that continues to this day. And while World War II has likely inspired more films than any other conflict, the latter half of the Vietnam War took place during an especially fruitful period in the movie industry: the director-driven New Hollywood era, a time when young, ambitious filmmakers were given unprecedented control over their work. As this era was largely youth-driven, it naturally follows that some of its most important movies were about a watershed event in American history that younger audiences had on their mind whether at the movies or elsewhere — especially those who had to register for the draft. 

The list of filmmakers who responded to that growing sense of disenchantment includes Michael Cimino, Francis Ford Coppola, and Stanley Kubrick, all of whom contributed to the canon of great movies about the Vietnam War. Here are five of the very best.

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The Deer Hunter (1978)

The first thing to know about The Deer Hunter is its cast, led by Robert De Niro, Meryl Streep, Christopher Walken, and John Cazale — who only appeared in five films throughout his too-short career, all five of which were nominated for Best Picture. The second is how heartbreaking it is. As personal as it is political, The Deer Hunter begins in a small Pennsylvania town before shifting the action to Vietnam, where three close friends from that tight-knit community meet tragically different fates. Not all the tragedy takes place onscreen: Cazale’s scenes were shot first, as he was dying of cancer when production began; the studio wanted to replace the actor, but both Cimino and Steep (who was in a relationship with Cazale) threatened to leave if they did. He didn’t live to see the completed film.

He likely would have been proud if he had, as The Deer Hunter is a powerful reminder that war doesn’t always end on the battlefield. It won five of the nine Academy Awards it was nominated for — including Best Picture, Best Director, and Best Supporting Actor for Walken — and was added to the National Film Registry by the Library of Congress in 1996.

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What Was the Seven Years’ War?

  • Seven Years’ War warships-years-war
Seven Years’ War warships
Bildagentur-online/ Universal Images Group via Getty Images

The Seven Years’ War, fought from 1756 to 1763, pitted the major European military powers of the time against each other through a labyrinthian series of alliances and geopolitics, like an 18th-century equivalent of World War I. The factors leading to the war were complex enough that the English author William Makepeace Thackeray wrote in his novel The Luck of Barry Lyndon, “It would require a greater philosopher and historian than I am to explain the causes of the famous Seven Years’ War… its origin has always appeared to me to be so complicated, and the books written about it so amazingly hard to understand, that I have seldom been much wiser at the end of a chapter than at the beginning.” Let’s piece it together more simply here.

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Who Fought in the Seven Years’ War?

The two alliances during the war were Austria, France, Russia, Saxony (now a state in Germany), and Sweden on one side; Great Britain, Hanover (also now a state in Germany), and Prussia on the other. These alliances were formed in the wake of the War of the Austrian Succession (which started in 1740) and the Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle (which ended it in 1748), and they represented a major alignment shift, known as the Diplomatic Revolution. Former allies Great Britain and Austria became at odds due to the inefficacy of Great Britain’s military assistance to Austria in preventing Silesia (modern-day Poland) from falling to Prussia: Austria viewed Great Britain’s aid as inadequate, and Great Britain believed that its support to Austria was an investment that was not gaining enough return. Prussia, which had been aligned with France, became aligned with Great Britain due to the latter’s desire to preemptively defend Hanover from risk of invasion by France. 

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What Was the War of 1812?

  • Military ships at sea
Military ships at sea
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The Korean War is nicknamed “the Forgotten War,” but the War of 1812 — fought between the United States and Great Britain just a few decades after America won its independence — certainly rivals it in terms of its lack of place in the collective national memory. Maybe it’s because the war took place two centuries ago; maybe it’s the placement between two major American wars that largely overshadow it (the Revolutionary War and Civil War). Maybe it’s the relatively nondescript name. Whatever the reason, asking the average American for details about the War of 1812 is likely to be met with a shrug. Let’s make some sense of this obscure yet formative conflict.

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5 Essential Films About World War II

  • “The Best Years of Our Lives”
“The Best Years of Our Lives”
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Few events have been depicted on screen as many times and in as many ways as World War II, which is remarkable given how many stories are left to tell. Eighty years’ worth of movies have deepened our understanding of the 20th century’s defining conflict, and there’s little reason to suspect that filmmakers will stop anytime soon. If you’ve seen all the usual suspects — your Saving Private Ryans, your Casablancas — and want to explore beyond the frontlines, here are five essential movies about World War II.

Photo credit: IanDagnall Computing/ Alamy Stock Photo

To Be or Not to Be (1942)

With good reason, we rarely associate war with comedy — World War II least of all. The ability to make a charming, lighthearted picture about such a world-altering event as it was happening is part of the “Lubitsch Touch” that made German-born director Ernst Lubitsch one of the most acclaimed filmmakers of his or any other era. (Billy Wilder,  who directed such acclaimed movies as Double Indemnity, Some Like It Hot, and Sunset Boulevard, had a sign taped to his office wall asking, “How would Lubitsch do it?”)

To Be or Not to Be takes place in Nazi-occupied Warsaw, where a troupe of actors find themselves entangled in a scheme to track down a German spy. Whatever you think of their production of Hamlet, there’s no doubting their ability to trick the Nazis with their performances — or make you laugh at some truly dark jokes. The film was added to the National Film Registry by the Library of Congress in 1996 and remains one of Lubitsch’s most acclaimed works, no small feat considering he also directed Ninotchka, The Shop Around the Corner, and Heaven Can Wait.

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5 Little-Known Facts About the Berlin Wall

  • Peering over the Berlin Wall
Peering over the Berlin Wall
Bettmann via Getty Images

As tensions rose between the Soviet Union and the West after World War II, Soviet Prime Minister Nikita Khrushchev sought to end the wave of emigration out of the USSR-controlled East Germany. The number of fleeing East Germans was staggering: Between 1949 and 1961, roughly 2.5 million people fled the state, a loss that threatened to upend the East German economy. Finally, after upwards of 65,000 citizens migrated to West Berlin between June and August 1961, East German leaders pushed for Moscow to close the border, and construction of the Berlin Wall began the night of August 12, 1961. 

The boundary started off as a barricaded barbed wire between East and West Berlin, and the effects were swift and merciless. Within two weeks, the border to the west was completely sealed — crossing was forbidden, and the wall was guarded by officers permitted to shoot attempted escapees on sight. For the next two decades, the now-infamous barrier served as a symbol of the political and ideological divide of the Cold War. Here are five interesting facts about this notorious structure.

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The Name “Checkpoint Charlie” Came From the NATO Phonetic Alphabet

Berlin was divided into four sectors following the Second World War. The Soviet Union controlled the eastern part of the city, while France, the United States, and Britain controlled three sectors in the west. There were three major checkpoints along the Berlin Wall, which monitored the border crossings of foreigners, diplomats, and military officials: Checkpoint Alpha, Checkpoint Bravo, and the most famous, Checkpoint Charlie. The names of all three checkpoints originated with the NATO phonetic alphabet, representing the letters “A,” “B,” and “C.” Checkpoint Charlie was located in the heart of Berlin, and marked the divide between the Soviet and American zones. It became a symbol of the Cold War divisions, and is now a historical site and memorial in Berlin.

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5 Little-Known Facts About D-Day

  • Armored tank at Normandy
Armored tank at Normandy
GeorgePeters/ iStock

Not long after the United States entered World War II in December 1941, Allied leaders Winston Churchill and Franklin D. Roosevelt — along with commanding Allied general Dwight D. Eisenhower —  began to plan an invasion of Nazi-occupied France. Opening a new front was vital to defeating the Nazis, so plans were set in place for Operation Overlord — the codename for the Normandy landings on June 6, 1944. The massive operation began the liberation of France and other parts of Western Europe, ultimately turning the tide of World War II and bringing about the end of Nazi Germany. Here are five facts about that fateful day, now commonly known as D-Day. 

Photo credit: GeorgePeters/ iStock

D-Day Was Supposed to Happen a Day Earlier

Allied leaders originally set a date of June 5, 1944, for D-Day. But something very British managed to delay the invasion: the weather. Foul weather over the English Channel meant that it was too rough for ships to sail, so the invasion was postponed until the day after. It was a nervous, pensive wait for everyone involved, not least for the soldiers waiting to cross the Channel. Then came news from the meteorologists, who forecast a brief window of calmer weather for June 6. There were a limited number of dates with the right tidal conditions for an invasion, so if the operation didn’t go forward during the break in the weather on June 6, it would have had to wait until June 19-21 (when, as it turned out, there was a storm that would have made invasion impossible). The green light was finally given, and D-Day took place on June 6. 

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A Fascinating Look at World War-Era Military Uniforms

  • German infantry troops
German infantry troops
Culture Club/ Hulton Archive via Getty Images

Vehicles and weaponry attract much wartime attention, but failing to give proper consideration to uniform design can spell disaster. Take, for instance, World War I, when the French army ignored war minister Adolphe Messimy’s warning about the country’s insistence on retaining the conspicuous red coloring of its historic pantalon rouge uniforms, despite his pointed admonishment: “This stupid blind attachment to the most visible of colors will have cruel consequences.” The French went on to suffer heavy casualties at the outset of the war, and switched to issuing horizon blue uniforms in 1915. The importance of uniforms became apparent to the Soviet Union as well, when soldiers suffered frostbite and other cold injuries during the Winter War against Finland at the start of World War II.

Both world wars created shifts in uniform design that were sometimes innovative, sometimes bizarre, and in some cases, enduringly impactful to civilian fashion. These are some of the more notable facts about military uniforms from the two world wars.

Photo credit: Martin Brayley/ Alamy Stock Photo

WWI Marked the U.S. Army’s First Monochromatic Uniform

The uniform worn by the United States Army in the First World War was called the M1910 uniform. In addition to being the Army’s first single-color uniform — allowing for better camouflage and easier manufacturing — it was also the first time the standard olive drab uniform was worn during a war (though the Army switched to khaki-colored cotton uniforms during the summer). The M1910 was also notable for not including any blue outerwear or pants, which had been a part of every United States (or Continental) Army uniform since the Revolutionary War. 

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The Strangest Wars in History

  • The Kettle war of 1784
The Kettle war of 1784
FLHC FBD44/ Alamy Stock Photo

“There never was a good war or a bad peace,” Benjamin Franklin wrote in 1783. Wise words indeed, and very true. Unfortunately, humans too often find themselves at war, as millennia of conflict can attest — the earliest known war was in Sudan a staggering 13,400 years ago. 

Among the many wars fought in human history, some stand out for their peculiar nature, whether due to the strange events that provoked the conflict or for the lack of any actual fighting. Here are 10 of the strangest wars in history, from the 14th century to modern times. 

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The War of the Oaken Bucket

The War of the Oaken Bucket certainly has one of the strangest names in the history of conflict, and it does involve a bucket — just not as prominently as the myth would suggest. According to legend, the war began one night in 1325 after soldiers from Modena crept into Bologna and stole the oaken pail from the municipal well. In reality, the war was the culmination of ongoing tensions that had existed between the Italian city-states for 300 years. There was a bucket involved, but not until the end of the conflict, when Modenese soldiers took the municipal bucket as a trophy of war. 

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