Which Came First: Wine or Beer?

  • Glasses of beer and red wine
Glasses of beer and red wine
Credit: Kirill Z/ Shutterstock

Whether you’re enjoying a glass of cabernet with a meal or downing IPAs with friends, you’re taking part in the multifaceted, multicultural act of alcohol consumption that dates back many thousands of years.

Indeed, although the dangers of excessive drinking are well known, and even small amounts of alcohol are now believed to come with health risks, imbibing has been part of the fabric of human existence since the dawn of recorded time. Some anthropologists argue that alcohol featured prominently in social customs that facilitated the rise and progression of civilizations. Others suggest that civilization itself was formed as a result of people settling in one area to domesticate crops for the production of alcohol.

Because spirits such as whiskey or vodka involve a more complex distillation process, beer and wine (and wine’s less-prominent cousin, mead) are the earliest forms of alcohol, left over from a time before any of humanity’s famous names, wars, or inventions etched themselves into history. Which sets up the ultimate bar debate: Which of these two ancient libations is older?

Credit: Old Images/ Alamy Stock Photo

Early Humans Likely Discovered Alcohol by Accident

To let some of the air out of the suspense, we’ll note that it’s difficult to pinpoint when people first began drinking wine or beer, since proto-versions of both drinks can be formed with little to no human intervention.

Ethanol, or drinking alcohol, is created through the fermentation process that takes place when sugar meets yeast. In the case of beer, that occurs when a grain such as barley is exposed to moisture and its starches are converted into sugar, priming this component for catalyzation by deliberately introduced or naturally appearing yeast. Similarly, crushed or even overripe fruits with high sugar content including grapes or figs will naturally begin to ferment, creating the basis for wine.

It’s likely that early humans (or even animals) stumbled upon the intoxicating effects of fermented grains and fruits, and maybe even figured out how to replicate the experience by leaving their collected wares out in the elements for too long. We can only speculate on the concoctions that may have been experimentally produced by pre-Neolithic people, although they were almost certainly different from the beers and wines that emerged under more controlled conditions in later epochs.

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When Did People Start Eating Sweets for Dessert?

  • Selection of French desserts
Selection of French desserts
Credit: Universal History Archive/ Universal Images Group via Getty Images

Most of us don’t give a whole lot of thought to the habit of finishing a satisfying meal with a dessert of something sweet — we’re too busy savoring the delectable mouthfuls of cake, custard, or ice cream.

Yet this is a clear culinary tradition that many people follow. While some may elect to eat sweets before a main course, and others simply dig into pie or brownies at any time of the day, most adhere to the standard operating procedure of dessert after the main course at lunch or dinner. But how and when did this order come about? Why do we eat sweets after a savory meal, and not the other way around?

Credit: AmiNiravTank/ Shutterstock

Humans Evolved To Have a Need for Sweets

To start somewhere close to the beginning, the craving for sweets is biological. Our hominid ancestors realized they derived more energy from ripe fruit with a higher sugar content than unripe fruit, and humans evolved with a hardwiring that connected sweetness to pleasurable feelings.

This primal need perhaps explains why sweets have traditionally featured into religious ceremonies for many cultures. As described in Michael Krondl’s Sweet Invention: A History of Dessert, Mesopotamian cooks prepared cakes as an offering to the goddess Ishtar. Similarly, Hindus throughout India have presented a sugar and milk concoction known as pedha to deities such as Kali for more than two millennia.

At times, the ritual of serving sweet dishes at distinct intervals has translated to something similar to the modern idea of dessert. After a day of fasting in celebration of Krishna’s birthday, Hindus traditionally indulge in treats such as bhog kheer, a pudding, or shrikhand, a sugar-flavored yogurt. In Turkey, the end of fasting at Ramadan means an opportunity for celebrants to sink their teeth into baklava, a beloved pastry.  

Of course, the preparation and consumption of sweets has long been a part of secular mealtimes as well. The Deipnosophists, a work from the third-century Greek writer Athenaeus of Naucratis, describes an array of honey-coated fare served over a series of lavish banquets. However, the now-commonplace notion of specifically relegating such sweeter foods to the end of a meal has its origins in France.

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5 Discontinued Snacks We Wish Would Come Back

  • Chocolate cookie with cream filling
Chocolate cookie with cream filling
Credit: sulhanul khoir/ iStock

As far as ephemera is concerned, few things are as temporary as snack foods from the past. Snacking itself is an evanescent experience, a fleeting moment of between-meal indulgence or an inattentive nosh during a spectator event. But snacks are also a major part of American culture; snacking has doubled since the late 1970s, and according to the 2024 USDA survey “What We Eat in America,” 95% of American adults have at least one snack on any given day.  

The idea of snacking has distinctly 20th-century origins. Eating between the traditional three meals per day was frowned upon during the 19th century, and proto-snack street foods of the time (such as boiled peanuts) were considered low class. But the Industrial Revolution, combined with a more enterprising spirit around the turn of the 20th century, created business opportunities for packaged, transportable foods, which were often marketed as novel expressions of modern technology. 

As the nascent snack market emerged and grew, companies introduced countless products with varying degrees of success. Some, such as Cracker Jack (which debuted in 1896) and Oreos (which debuted in 1912 as a nearly exact imitation of the earlier Hydrox cookies), endure to this day. But history is littered with the wrappers of discontinued snacks. Here are some long-gone treats we’d love to see make a comeback.

Credit: georgi1969/ iStock

Cherry Humps

The Schuler Candy Company made this distinctive chocolate and cherry candy bar from 1913 to 1987. Each Cherry Hump bar contained two cherries, cordial, and fondant, and was double-coated in dark chocolate. In an unusual final step in their production, the bars were aged for six weeks, in order for the runny cordial and thicker fondant to meld and reach a cohesive state. Despite the cohesion achieved by aging, the filling of the candy bar still contained a more liquid texture than other candies, and this ended up being its undoing. 

When Schuler became a subsidiary of Brock Candy Company in 1972, Brock sought to update the production and distribution methods of Cherry Humps, and chose bulky high-volume pallet shipments instead of the previous method of fanning out multiple shipments to smaller distribution lots. What made sense on paper for efficiency was disastrous in practice for a product as fragile as Cherry Humps: The candy often arrived at its destination badly damaged, with visibly sticky packaging from leaking cordial. 

Instead of shoring up the candy’s packaging to protect it, or adjusting the shipping method, Brock changed the candy’s recipe to make it sturdier. The new recipe did away with the enticingly juicy cordial and fondant filling, instead setting firmer cherries in a layer of dense white nougat. There was no more gooeyness to speak of, and in turn, no more of the candy’s signature appeal. Sales steadily declined and Cherry Humps were discontinued.

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We Cooked the World’s Oldest Written Recipes

  • Two bowls of food
Two bowls of food
Credit: Original photography by Bennett Kleinman

The ancient Babylonians, who lived in modern-day Iran, Iraq, Turkey, and Syria as far back as the early second millennium BCE, were among the earliest human civilizations. They pioneered such concepts as written language, legal justice, and mathematics, and the culinary arts are no exception: The world’s earliest written recipes survive today in the form of ancient Babylonian tablets dating to around 1730 BCE. The tablets were unearthed in the 1920s, but were initially thought to be medical texts. It wasn’t until the 1980s that researchers finally deduced that the artifacts actually comprised an early cookbook — in fact, it’s considered to be the oldest surviving cookbook in the world. 

I was curious to see how these early recipes tasted — especially compared to contemporary dishes — so I set out to recreate a couple of them and try them myself. One of the three tablets contains a summary of 25 recipes for various stews and broths, while the other two describe those recipes in more detail. But the tablets still lack critical specifics, such as exact ingredient amounts and cooking times. The translation for one recipe, for instance, simply says, “Meat is not used. You prepare water. You add fat…” and so on, which would have been hard to replicate. Luckily, a team at Yale University used the information on the tablets, along with their scholarly knowledge of ancient Babylon, to compile several modern recipes that are considered accurate interpretations of those ancient meals. 

Using their findings, I prepared two of the recipes at home: a lamb and beet stew, and a vegetarian broth whose name has been translated as “unwinding.” (Though it’s unclear why it’s called “unwinding,” experts suggest it could have been a dish people ate to relax.) Despite the ancient nature of these recipes, it wasn’t difficult to compile the ingredients, or at the very least suitable substitutes. 

Lamb and Beet Stew

The primary dish I made was a lamb stew. Lambs were among several animals that were domesticated in ancient Mesopotamia, and were a key component of cuisine in the region. Mesopotamia was also an agricultural hot spot that came to be known as the Fertile Crescent — referring to the area’s rich, fertile soil — so it comes as little surprise that the lamb stew contained plenty of fresh veggies as well. 

Credit: Original photography by Bennett Kleinman
  • Ingredients
  • 1 pound diced lamb leg
  • ½ cup rendered fat (we used cow fat instead of sheep fat)
  • ½ teaspoon salt
  • 1 cup beer
  • ½ cup water
  • 1 small chopped onion
  • 1 cup chopped arugula
  • 1 cup spring onions
  • ½ cup cilantro
  • 1 teaspoon cumin
  • 1 pound diced red beets
  • ½ cup chopped leek
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • Coriander seed, cilantro, and kurrat (we used spring onion) for garnish

For this dish, I had to make a few minor adjustments given the ingredients I had available. The recipe as written called for an Egyptian leek called kurrat, which is known for having a mild onion and garlicky flavor. Given the similar flavor profile, spring onions are a suitable alternative, so I used those instead.

The dish also calls for beer, which was a major component of Babylonian culture. It was difficult, of course, to find a beer that would have been exactly like the ones drunk by the ancient Babylonians, but I looked for an option that was as close as possible. Most of the beer recipes archaeologists have uncovered from ancient Babylon are made with barley. Tate Paulette, the author of In the Land of Ninkasi: A History of Beer in Ancient Mesopotamia, writes that “there’s no evidence for the use of hops” in Babylonian beer, unlike in modern beers. He also notes that early beers often included “date syrup, and additional flavorings,” giving them a sweetness. Brew Your Own magazine, meanwhile, points out that many ancient beers were sour in nature. Taking all this into account, I selected a fruity and sour ale to roughly replicate the taste profile of Babylonian beer.

Credit: Original photography by Bennett Kleinman

The cooking process for this dish was rather simple, and not unlike how you’d prepare any modern stew. The major difference was how heat was applied — while cooks in ancient Babylon would’ve used an open flame, I used an electric stovetop. 

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What Did Oranges Used To Look Like? (They Weren’t Always Orange)

  • Still life of oranges, 1863
Still life of oranges, 1863
Credit: Heritage Images/ Hulton Archive via Getty Images

When we think of oranges today, we picture an almost perfectly round fruit with a sweet, citric, juicy interior that is, as the name suggests, orange in color. It’s a common fruit around the world; in the U.S., oranges consistently rank as the third-most-consumed fresh fruit behind bananas and apples — and it ranks No. 1 among juices. 

But oranges weren’t always as popular or as common as they are today — and they didn’t even look the same. The oranges we’re familiar with are the result of thousands of years of cultivation and selective breeding. Here, we peel back the layers of history to discover what oranges used to look like and how they evolved into the fruit we enjoy today.

Credit: Sepia Times/ Universal Images Group via Getty Images

The Origins of Oranges

Oranges, and all other citrus fruits, can trace their roots to the southeast foothills of the Himalayas. According to DNA evidence, the first citrus trees appeared in this region about 8 million years ago; from there, they spread across the Indian subcontinent and then to south-central China. These ancient citrus fruits, however, were nothing like the oranges we know today. They were smaller, often bitter, and came in a variety of shapes and colors, from knobby, yellow fruits akin to the modern citron to large, green, smooth-skinned citruses similar to the modern pomelo.

All the oranges, lemons, limes, and grapefruits we eat today are descendants of just a handful of ancient species, namely citrons, pomelos, and mandarins, all native to South Asia and East Asia. The sweet orange we know today, which accounts for about 70% of global orange production, is a cultivated hybrid of the ancient pomelo — a large, pale green or yellow fruit with a thick rind — and ancient mandarins, which were then only a little larger than olives. That original hybrid, however, would have been quite different from the oranges we have today.  

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7 Foods That Are Way Older Than You Think

  • Stack of pancakes
Stack of pancakes
Credit: ClassicStock/ Archive Photos via Getty Images

In our fast-paced modern world, where trendy superfoods and innovative culinary fusions are constantly emerging, it’s easy to overlook the rich history behind many of our everyday meals. But the foods we consume daily often carry with them stories that span centuries, if not millennia. These humble dishes may have witnessed the rise and fall of civilizations or the births of revolutionary technological advancements, without ever really changing their basic nature. 

Here are seven foods that are much older than we might think — foods that are not only part of culinary history, but also part of the story of human civilization itself. 

Credit: jazz3311/ Shutterstock


Noodles, a staple in cuisines worldwide, have a history spanning thousands of years. While many people associate pasta with Italy, the oldest known noodles were actually discovered in China. In 2005, scientists uncovered this ancient food, dating back 4,000 years, at the Lajia archaeological site along the upper reaches of the Yellow River in northwest China. The thin, delicate, yellow noodles resembled the traditional lamian noodles (pulled noodles) still common in northern China today. The discovery proved that people have been enjoying noodles for millennia. Since then, of course, the food has spread across the globe, be it in the form of Italian spaghetti or Japanese ramen. 

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When Did People Start Eating Three Meals a Day?

  • Lunchtime, 1821
Lunchtime, 1821
Credit: Heritage Images/ Hulton Fine Art Collection via Getty Images

Food has always been central to human life, but our eating habits have evolved considerably over time. The idea of eating three meals a day, for instance, is now an intrinsic practice for many people, yet it’s a relatively recent development in human history. For centuries, meal habits were sporadic and dictated by various factors: success in hunting or agriculture, religious practices, work schedules, and even the availability of lighting among them. So how did we arrive at this trio of meals?

Credit: Print Collector/ Hulton Archive via Getty Images

Dinner’s Daily Dominance

Of our three routine meals, “dinner” has the deepest etymological roots, though the meaning of the word has shifted over time. In ancient Roman times, it was the one large meal everyone ate, although it was consumed earlier in the day than it is today — sometime around noon. This extended into the Middle Ages in Europe. Laborers often ate a small meal of bread and ale early in the morning before starting a day’s work on the farm. Their main meal of the day, called dinner, was served around noon, and a light snack, known as supper, was sometimes eaten in the evening. 

By the late 1700s, the Industrial Revolution was in full swing in Britain; workdays became longer, people could no longer come home to eat their main meal of the day, and artificial lighting — primarily candles — became more accessible and reliable, enabling household activities to go later into the evening. The timing of dinner began to shift, and by the end of the 18th century, many people were eating dinner in the evening after returning home from work. For most people in Europe and the United States, this evening meal became the largest and anchor meal of the day by the mid-1800s, informing the traditional family dinner as we still know it.

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5 Timeless Drinks From the Cocktail Golden Age

  • Martini glass on table
Martini glass on table
Credit: Katelyn Perry/ Unsplash+

The mid-1800s to the start of Prohibition in 1920 is considered a golden age of mixology in the United States. Imbibing alcohol had long been a crucial component of Americans’ social lives, but for many years people mainly drank rudimentary ales, ciders, rums, and whiskeys. That began to change during the Industrial Revolution, with the mass-production of alcoholic spirits. As copious amounts of affordable liquor became available, some ingenious bartenders began to experiment with new cocktail recipes, many of which became highly popular and in turn revolutionized the alcohol industry.

By the middle of the 19th century, many new boozy beverages with complex and decadent flavor profiles were being created, giving rise to a golden age of cocktails — a term first used in 1798 to describe a “drink made from water, sugar, spirits, and bitters,” according to etymonline.com. In 1862, New York City bartender and saloon owner Jerry Thomas — who The New York Times called the “Father of American Mixology” — published The Bar-Tenders’ Guide, which is now widely considered the first cocktail book in U.S. history. This foundational text redefined cocktail-making, bringing innovative mixed drinks to the masses and inspiring future creations. Here’s a look at five timeless drinks that came out of this golden age of cocktails.

Credit: Johann Trasch/ Unsplash


Some sources claim the origins of the Sazerac date back to the 1830s, though that date is disputed; according to drinks columnist and cocktail expert David Wondrich, it was more likely invented during the 1880s or 1890s. Whatever the origins, there’s no disputing the Sazerac is still a beloved classic cocktail, particularly among residents of the city where it was created: New Orleans, Louisiana.

The earliest Sazeracs were made using a French brandy called Sazerac de Forge et Fils Cognac, which was mixed with half a teaspoon of cold water, a sugar cube, a lemon peel, and four dashes of bitters. The purported mastermind behind this libation was pharmacist Antoine Amédée Peychaud, who moved from the French colony of St. Domingue to New Orleans around 1800. (Peychaud is also known for selling his namesake bitters, which have become staples of cocktail bars around the world.) 

Around 1885, the cognac in the recipe was swapped out for American rye whiskey, which remains the standard spirit used in Sazeracs. The preparation process is also noteworthy: While the drink is mixed in one glass, another chilled cocktail glass is swirled with a wash of absinthe; the ingredients are then poured into the absinthe-scented glass and served immediately. After well over a century of enduring popularity, Sazerac was declared the official cocktail of New Orleans in 2008.

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What Americans Ate for Dinner in the 1800s

  • Chicken fricassee dish
Chicken fricassee dish
Credit: kochabamba/ Shutterstock

Tastes in 19th-century America were generations removed from our tastes today. Vegetables weren’t generally as appreciated as they are nowadays, and vitamins were yet to be discovered as an important nutritional factor. Food was also very regional, a trend we see in modern cuisine, too, but the localization at the time was due to scarce means of transporting ingredients. Some foods from the Victorian era endure today, such as oatmeal, roast beef, tomato soup, and mayonnaise. But others might seem as strange and outmoded as the horn on a victrola. Here’s a look at some bygone dishes from the Victorian table.

Credit: The Washington Post via Getty Images


Nowadays, if squab is known at all, it’s known as the meat of a meticulously raised young rock pigeon, served as a rarified poultry component of an exclusive dinner. But in the 1800s, squab was a staple protein. That’s because the squab of previous eras was a different type of pigeon, one that was among the most abundant birds in the world: the passenger pigeon. Due to its tendency to fly in massive, densely packed flocks, the passenger pigeon was extremely easy to hunt, and represented freely available meat. Prized for its tenderness and often described in terms that suggest a ducklike quality (one historical source recounts it as “darker than the dark meat of a chicken” and “entirely without strong taste”), squab was prepared just about every which way: served in stews, roasted with salt pork, fried, baked in a pie, broiled, and served on toast. 

In the wake of post-Civil War advancements in communication, such as the telegraph, and transportation, such as the railroad, a large-scale pigeon industry emerged, which saw professional hunters and trappers tracking and harvesting the flocks en masse. Sadly, the resulting combination of overhunting and habitat disruption led to a catastrophic decline in the passenger pigeon population. By 1900, the birds were too scarce to hunt; by 1914 the passenger pigeon was extinct. 

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The U.S. Presidents’ Favorite Foods

  • Making cheese grits
Making cheese grits
Credit: Bartosz Luczak/ Shutterstock

From hearty steaks to sugary snacks, the culinary preferences of U.S. presidents have always fascinated the American public. That’s perhaps no surprise, as the quirks of presidential palates offer a unique glimpse into the personalities behind the Oval Office. And when it comes to comfort foods and guilty pleasures, be it FDR’s love of grilled cheese sandwiches or Ronald Reagan’s obsession with jelly beans, you might find that presidents are more like us than you’d think. Here are the favorite foods of 14 U.S. presidents.

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George Washington: Hoecakes With Honey 

George and Martha Washington often hosted guests at their home at Mount Vernon, with large spreads laid out for hungry visitors. Washington’s favorite dish was surprisingly simple and reflected his farming roots: He loved hoecakes, a type of cornmeal pancake. According to Martha Washington’s granddaughter Nelly Custis, he preferred them “swimming in butter and honey,” and would regularly eat them for breakfast. 

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