Science & Industry
Where Did the QWERTY Keyboard Layout Come From?
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Why Are Old Photos Sepia-Toned?
Developed in the late 1820s, photography revolutionized the way history could be documented, blending art and science to create lasting visual records. Early photographs were exclusively black and white, featuring…
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What Were the First Units of Measurement?
The use of measurements has become such an indispensable part of everyday existence that it’s virtually invisible. We check the clock to determine how much time we have before running…
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The Untold Stories of 5 Influential Black Inventors
For much of American history, Black inventors have faced significant barriers; in many cases, these innovators were unable to patent their inventions or saw their achievements credited to others. Until…
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Lighters were invented before modern matches.
Lighters seem, on the surface, to be a little more advanced than your standard pack of matches. But lighters were actually invented before matches as we know them today. Until…