Arts & Culture
5 Things People Used to Eat for Breakfast
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Why Do Actors Sound So Different in Old Movies?
Despite their differences, the United States and England have a lot in common. A “special relationship” has bound the countries together since at least 1946, when Winston Churchill coined the…
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Every Oscar Best Picture Winner in History
The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences hands out 23 awards on Oscar night, one of which gets pride of place as the real star of the show: Best…
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6 Strange Things People Used to Do for Fun
Long before Netflix, video games, or podcasts existed, people turned toward other hobbies for their personal amusement — some of which seem quite strange by modern standards. Entertainment-seekers of yesteryear…
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Did People in Ancient Rome Really Wear Togas?
When we think of ancient Rome, we often think of the toga, generally depicted as a flowing white garment arranged in folds around the body and typically worn over a…